hey kid , i just wanted to say im glad ya made a smart choice and went to school man . do what ya need to do and when ya get home do the same . for what its worth meatpaws is proud of ya for the smart move man .
schoolz is a good place to be right now
Make us all proud Steve
Steve, youre a good kid. You will make friends there. I wish the best for you.
fuck shool 4days was wayyy 2much college for me…gl fluff!
Good luck flurry. You’ll have a blast there. Wish I lived somewhere far from here :lmao
good luck steve
maybe you should go back to learn how to make proper sentences with correct spelling… :lol
What school?
I miss him already
thanks guys,really appreciate the kind words!
good luck bud hopefully the economy comes around by the time you graduate.
when ur back, im stealing ur notes, so take plenty
this god damn ASM class is boring as FUCK
Bwah. Listen to Black Dahlia Murder on headphones, and rock out.
i cant listen to anything,the sound on the laptops they give us all the shit is disabled till we graduate the class
Right click the speaker near the clock, “Playback Devices” then right click the speakers, and “Enable” mhm
they ran a scrypt to block downloading anything,watching videos,listening to music and using the webcam
Hmm, gotta find the autoexec most likely lol Not that Im suggesting you do that, might screw something they have setup already BWAH Hows things otherwise meng?