Some crap about school

Just getting this stuff off my chest because its kinda pissing me off. First my one comp. class, Book was 125$ didnt even open it yet. Nor, do I think were ever gonna open it because the guy lectures the whole class. I gotta take this java class and to me I know java pretty well. So far we had four assignments and I dont even know wtf she is talking about she just rambles. Did I mention shes Russian, with a hardcore russian accent. That and she never goes over the assignments. Im gonna flip the f*ck out. :hahano:

get used to it… eventually it’ll get harder and cost more. life sucks like that :slight_smile:

last year i spent a little over 400 dollars for the first semesters classes…

i dropped ou of school a week later and i couldnt return the books unopened…

so you all i know i dropped out of class cause i was called to active duty for a year

wait till you get out into the real world. This ain’t nothing :crying:


good luck

since ive been working with my dad since I was 12 I think I know a little.

you don’t know shit, get back to school.


please refer to the above quote

yah yah I knew that was gonna get twisted when I put that up. :doh: That and its hard to get a job before your 16 so that why I worked with him. Unless your a caddy or some shyt like that

yeah $125 for a book :zzz: …wait till you got a mortgage, car payments, kids, etc…

…healthcare, insurance, IRAs, credit cards, school loans, etc…

those Irish Republican Army bastards! They take your money?!?

paying for your son to go to school > bitching about book prices

what school do you go to?

probably CCAC


damn catholics bully my protestant ass every paycheck :rolleyes:

did you say russian accent??? :naughty: :naughty: