i got a Nintendo Wii!!!

Camped out at Sears at the Pgh Mills Mall for about 7hrs. They only got 7 Wii’s. I was 3rd in line…I’m torn…can’t decide if i want to keep it or sell it.

do you have to blow on the disk to get it to work?

LOL…let’s hope not


wade, if u keep it, call me i wanna play it

:rofl: aww i remember those days

Thats good shit. I forgot that the Wii had dropped already. I can’t wait to play it drunk. My sig on another forum quoted from my roommate says “Are Wii broox’d yet?” Broox’d means drunk in rememberance of my friend Chris Broox

only thing i dont like on the wii is the controls… but i seen bowling on the demo at best buy and you can swing the controller like your really bowling… thats pretty damn cool. me and my girlfriend’s brother would probably sit up bowling all night lol.
His dad wanted to get him a PS3 for xmas, i told him to go with a Wii since its more for kids then the PS3 is, and its a shitload cheaper

everyone is going to waydes house tuesday night after wing night to play Wii!

Haha…I’m so tempted to just hook the system up and play it. Thing is is can atleast double my money by selling it…In that case, i can just go out and buy another one (after everyhting is said and done i could get a wii for free and prob have a little $$$$ left over…I also got Zelda & GT Pro Series with it…The GT game comes with a steering wheel attachment for the wii remote at no extra cost!!!

if you hok it up you better give me a call!!

i got 2 of them. ones allready on ebay

this thing is FUCKIGN AWESOME

i like the idea of the controller & some of the games look cool tennis, Links, etc…

but ther reason i won’t get one is because i realized i don’t want to have to stand up to play videogames…unless its a arcade machine.

the controllers are weird. playing madden is really hard. zelda is cool though

my silly little brother got a wii and a ps3, he is nuts for campin out at walmart for hours for the wii, then they gave out tickets for the ps3 and he won the chance to buy one of the next 5 they get in…

If I want exercise, I will goto the gym. When I play video games, I want to sit down and be as unproductive as I can. Making me stand up and swing my arms around is fucking stupid. no thanks.

on a side note - everytime I hear the “nintendo wii” I think of cartman freezing himself in the south park episode. cartman>*.cartoon character

zelda > *

thats exactly what i think of too, that was some funny shit

I know of a shipment on friday of 15 or so

Well i decided to keep my wii. I’ve played the Wii Sports Tennis Game, Zelda & GT Pro Series…all the games are cool. I really like GT Pro Series. It came with a steering wheel attachment for the remote. U actually steer the car u race in the game by tilting the remote/wheel!!! The manuevering is pretty acurate too…I highly recommend this system to anyone looking for something new and exciting.