I graduated college today...

Went in to talk to an advisor about what I needed to do to graduate. I need one more class that hasn’t been offered for the past 2 semesters and will not be offered until spring time. The reason its a core subject and isn’t offered is because “not enough people sign up for it”

So they waived it for me making me a graduate.

Woohoo for associates in Psych. Time to try to apply to Universities again.

Congrats :beer: <- that’s Jim Beam or Jack Daniels’ for you.


Congrats…awesome feeling…now the real world starts…boo

It doesn’t start for me… an Associates in psych is like burning dog shit on your door step. Its there- and there is nothing you can do about it.

college is for sodomite liberal pussies.

haha. True. I just can’t see myself making a living doing what you do. (NOT saying what you do is stupid OR putting you down for it…) Unfortunatly for me, what I like to do requires a degree and schooling. :frowning: Trust me… If I could find something else I am intersted in I’d be doing it instead of school. :slight_smile:

awesome Jenn :beer: :bigok: :bigthumb: :smiley: :smiley:

lol I was just messing with you. I wish I had stayed at college and got at least a bachelors degree in Business. I still might actually, when I get some free time. But then again, had I stayed I wouldn’t have ended up traveling the route that I did and wouldn’t be where I’m at right now. So, who knows. The world is there for the taking and I’m much more of a “jump in the deep end and you’ll learn how to swim, fast… or else.” Pool pun not intentional.

The idea of working my ass off to make someone else rich never really appealed to me. But theres not a thing wrong with that if you love what you do and can make ends meet.




Congrats, that’s awesome!

awesome Jenn

Congrats Jenn :slight_smile:

Awesome work. Congrats! I’d keep going to school all my life if I could. Much easier than actual real-world stuff.
What are you going to continue on in?

wish it was that easy for all of us hahaha

with that degree you can buy more bling now.


when is the graduation party?
