I guess the guy really wants his car back...

Let us know if he shows up. lol

^^lol. It’s gonna be either the biggest deal or the biggest flake…Imagine the dude landing his private jet on a runway and bing pulls up beside it in his S14. lol. I thought you only see things like this in movies…

Yeah, pics or it didn’t happen :stuck_out_tongue:

wonder if hell come to bings meet 09

Rich Edmonton dude: Holding briefcase “You got the goods?”

Bing: Holding coilovers “You got the cash?”

lol, I can’t wait to see if he shows up.



I still don’t have his number. But I have been told that his facebook status says he is flying to ontario today to pick up parts…

I’m on my lunch break and am going to stop by the airport and check it out.

he should give u a ring Bing, no need to stress out! :stuck_out_tongue:

it makes perfect sense…he prob cant get his money back for the dyno day.

how much does a dyno day run u up btw?

Is this guy registered on son240? If he is, there is a 90% chance he will flake.

Ok @osting from my blackberry, just picked the kid up from the airport and dropped him at the mall to kick it for a few hours…

lol whos this guys dad? j/k

You dropped him off at the mall? LOL

not a kid… a guy, young man, you know…

works in the oil industry, didnt even call in sick today… just fucked off to Hamilton from what he tells me…lol

he is on here, i am sure he’ll chime in when he gets back

this seems…weird lol.

tickets gotta be kinda pricey. are dyno days really that expensive ?

I bet you he’s from Fort McMurray

hes probably checkin out the girls at the mall and making it rain

that explains a lot, since the oil industry pays really well, especially in the west region.

Having said that…this guy truly shows a lot of dedication towards his card…I’m not sure if I should feel sad for him or if I should respect his actions! lol