I guess the guy really wants his car back...

Well my buddy just bought a ticket from Calgary to T-dot for the end of the month for $40, so it’s possible he got some type of seat sale, either way, it’s only like $300 for a ticket, and if dude couldn’t get another dyno day for months it seems worth it.

Either way, it’s this guy’s money, not ours, and tbh, if I was making $1000+/week, it’d be worth it to me too.

wow he actually came?..


It gets better.

Flight out at 6:10pm, parts were in the US. They are now in my car.

35 minutes to go…

crazy man… what if he kid naps u LOL jkn

fuck… that was intense…

full details forthcoming… net sum, he’s on the plane back to edmonton with all his parts…

wow that’s true dedication.

+1 for baller status

Shit, Ballin is his hobby.

Lol well we dont know what his situation was, it could of made perfect sense to spend 300 and save 1500. I flew from thunder bay to toronto this year for a day to get my suit fitted. Everyone made fun of me for that one.

I’m going to write this out in detail because it’s pretty incredible…

So Ryan and i have been emailing back and forth for weeks, he outfit his car with north of $7k worth of stuff including all of my multi-link arms, turbo, stance coils, Taka oil cooler, tanabe sways and a bunch more…

he had a dyno day scheduled for this coming tuesday at Autodream. Autodream is pretty busy these days and i guess they havea 2 month lead time for appointments like this.

the turbo was coming from precision turbo. i prefer to use precision because they’ve always been good with my warranties, have rebuilt my own turbos and i like the 3" inlet rather than the 2 bolt inlet flange.

however, Precision mis-shipped the turbo, delaying it for a a whole week… as of this morning it had arrived at my US address but i had not yet cleared it through customs, i do that on the weekends.

I had sent Ryan most of his other stuff but not the turbo, sways, coilovers.

we were talking on msn thursday night and he was expecting to have received his turbo on the first shipment that he had to pick up at the local Canada post office… i advised him the turbo was not there.

we had an hour long discussion about how we could get the turbo to him for monday knowing that i wouldnt have it for saturday… purolator, fedex, UPS… all of these guys cannot do it… and even if they could, overnighting a $1400 package across the country is going to be like $400+.

i joked that it would be better if he just flew here on saturday since he can get a return flight for $544… i’d even pay for a quarter of it since i wouldnt have to ship his stuff anymore…lol

we left it at that and i went to bed.

couldnt sleep, so i got out of bad at about 1:20am and turned on the computer… i had one email… it was Ryan

ummm… what? i repsond with two consecutive emails:




i did tell this guy i wouldnt have the stuff until saturday but apparently that didnt phase him…lol

i get up in the morning and hop to the office… couple phone calls with senior executives from some of the top 5 insurers, schedule some meetings, delegate some shit to others…

i realise that i dont have Ryan’s cell number. i had sent him an email saying he was nuts… i call Autodream, speak to someone there but they dont have his number either…

so now i have no way of contacting him and i really cant tell if he’s joking or not.

i make the post in drift west (http://driftwest.ca/forums/showthread.php?p=53676#post53676)

see this:

okay, obviously this is for real.

i meet the wife at home for lunch, play with my son… tell her what’s going on… how would you expect a woman to react when you tell her a dude you;ve never met is flying across the country on a whim to pick up a turbo because he has a dyno session on tuesday of next week… yeah well that is how my wife reacted.

anyways, i stroll over to the airport… no RYAN HANSEN sign, no idea what the guy looks like, no phone number etc.

i park outside of Hamilton airport, fortunately its the smallest airport on earth…

i walk in to the arrivals gate… there;s like 5 people in teh whole place… none of them look young enough to own a 240sx.

i turn back and see a young guy wave at me…


he nods

“you’re fucking insane” i yell across the airport, “when does your flight leave?”


“you know i dont have the parts right?”


we hop in my car, i get a call from the national claims manager for a top 5 insurer, deal with that… Ryan i’m dropping you off at the mall…

rip some v-tech to limeridge mall, drop the dude off.

I call Josh (my parnter for www.onyxsyndicate.com) he goes and picked up everything i have waiting for me in the US and takes it to his place so i can pick it up there.

I’m back in the office on the phone, meeting with our executives about some issues and recapping some other stuff that happened this week. I cancel out of a meeting but it’s cool i guess, and take off for the US which normally is a 1.5 hour drive each way plus customs plus plus plus. I tell Ryan he better make a back up plan… hotel, switch flight to saturday etc…

Josh is still home when i get there, i dont have my usual cargo vehicle so we have to break down a massive order of parts and stick it in my S14… couple sets of Stance coilovers, couple catbacks, turbos, sways, at least 7 other boxes… weee…

rip some more v-tech, break every speed limit and some laws of physics, make 5 work related phone calls since i’m still working really… check some emails, set up some meetings, i love blackberries, clear customs in record time and i’m back in Canada at 5:00pm with 60-70 minutes to go and a 45 minute drive to get to Ryan at the mall, then i have to take him to the airport if he’s going to get there on time… plus we have to figure out how the hell you take a set of 80lbs coilovers, a pair of sway bars, a turbocharger and some other stuff onto a plane…

Ryan brought no luggage by the way.

he thinks he’s just checking it all… but one problem, i couldnt fit it in my car with the packaging… so there are no boxes…

i advise him to buy some packing tape and a duffle bag, he does.

i get back to him in 30 minutes, pick him up in the parking lot of a staples business depot… he hops in but cant put his feet anywhere becuase there are turbo chargers and other shit everywhere.

i tell him to pop the back seat down, reach through and start shoving his coilovers in his duffle bag because we only have 25 minutes until his flight actually takes off and we’re really not that close to the airport.

i take the vanwick.

we get to the airport with 15 minutes left. in addition to packing tape and a sharpie he bought a hand roller of pallet wrap.

have you ever seen two guys pallet wrap a single stance coilover to a pair of tanabe sway bars before?

yeah well the 4 dudes sitting out from of the airport saw that happen today.

it works really well actually except it was the weirdest shaped thing to ever get checked onto a westjet flight.

instead of buying a label Ryan’s idea was to turn the tape gun box inside out and use that as a label… he puts his name and phone number on the box, we tape strap it to the sway bar coilover thing wrapped in clear plastic and bam… 10 minutes to go and everything is set up…

pump the last coilover into the duffle bag, cut him $100 in cash as i said i would, shake a hand, peace out you crazy fuck.

i was pretty motivated to make this happen today, but only because it takes massive balls to fly across the country like that on a whim without any notice… i mad to meet that with some of my own initiative.

this is not a typical service offering by bings.ca by any means.

Amazing! Now sit down and crack open a beer :smiley:

wow that is fuckin NUTS!

i’m impressed…hats off to you guys…

all I can say is holy shit.

Good job Bing!

This Ryan guy is my hero for doing this =P

That is intense. +1 for bing. That was legit.

I still say this story is worthless without pics. Where’s you picking him up at the airport? Where’s a picture of the man with the biggest set of balls ever to have a story posted about him on SON? I mean, really… Bing, I’m ashamed of you. I mean, you had the time.

thats the thing… i didnt have the time and i while we were pallet wrapping the coilover to the sway bars i had a moment to reflect on how retarded the whole thing was and that i really wanted to have a camera on me to take a picture of how silly that package looked.

i was thinking of you guys, i really was.

^^lol Bing. You the man!

been there done that…

… noo just kidding that is nukin’ futz!!