By no means am i saying WE arefucked but out future gen are. Hell we are not that old but most of us can see the changes since we were kids right? The earth will not be here forever and will ultimately deminish,now when that is i don’t know but it iwll happen. Now scientist are saying shit baout ice caps melting and comets goign to hit us and so fourth…well truth is…we n they do not know anything. We could be bombarded by small astrouds or a comets today,NASA n the goverment know some of thses things but do not let the publis know of them…
just blame George Bush, since he hates black people he’s going to make an asteroid come and hit us all in hopes of it just hitting them.
We’re not screwed, nor are our children or theyre children… barring there arent any nuclear holocausts or anything.
:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
Ummm, how does your theory account for ice melting at rapid rates at both poles?
Warm oceans emitting carbon dioxide?
Carbon dioxide depleting the ozone?
Ozone emmision form vehicles?
Ozone emission from the ocean?
You do also realize that the majority of scientists today are not pointing toward the ozone, or lack thereof, as a cause of “global warming.”
you do realize carbon dioxide concentration causes a temperature warm up correct?
I can tell you’ve never researched this theory that most of the scientific community is in consensus with.
Can you state the name of one accredited scientist who will speak on behalf of global warming being caused by vehicle emissions, and industry not associated with green peace? My money is on you cannot.
Most people who youve seen speak recently on this subject are not even educated in the matter, but are mere delegates with their own political agendas.
I am fully aware about the scientific consensus that increased carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming. I am also fully aware that not once in your rambling did you mention that, but instead rambled on about other theories and made odd statements regarding ozone that I question the accuracy of and would like to see a source.
be careful what you ask for
Yes that explains how the oceans are one of the sinks for carbon dioxide. So how about all the mentions of ozone you kept tossing around that I questioned you on?
How does the earth shifting on its axis greatly affect global avergae temperatures? Last I checked a shift on an axis moving the northern hemisphere slightly further from the sun would move the southern hemisphere slightly closer, thus not affecting the disctance from the sun of the earth overall.
You seem to be boucing back and forth between and attempting to blend theories connected to the ozone, emissions from burning fossil fuels, and at least one theory dealing with the rotation of the planet while stating innaccurate or partially accurate facts about each.
I thought you were in NASSAU???
you do realize oceans being “just another carbon dioxide sink” means a lot… considering theyre 70% of the Earth and all.
i think it’s ludicrous to think that emissions aren’t having a negative effect on the environment. i’m not going to say that everything would be fine if we all drove Insights, but i believe that conservation of fuels and resources, and making as little pollution and waste as possible, are goals we should all strive for.
I’m not going to be one of those psycho hippie douchebags that wants to deny you the ability to own an SUV… BUT I do believe that it’s in all of our best interest to see that those SUVs make the power as cleanly and efficiently as possible.
they told our parents back in the 70’s oil would run dry and the earth would be dark and cold by now. like i said in another thread…scientists at NASA found natural gas on other planets which means all that fossil fuel stuff is garbage… the earth just naturally produces gas and oil like it does lava and other stuff. its not from dead animals. we have tons of oil in the earth and the fact that we can make it from coal and we now have other methods of conserving and making energy the wacks need to back the fuck off people who want to buy the cars they want and use energy the way they want.
but seriously its not colder, we are just having cold over more days than normal. its not like its never been cold before. people panic and they close schools… WTF? Stop watching the news! they have nothing better to report on.
feels like a heat wave outside its like 18 degrees
I didn’t bother reading the whole thread. But I think everyone should watch Al Gore’s movie. “The Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warming”
We are headed to another ice age MUCH faster than the other ones have come along- he shows a ton of information supporting that. HOWEVER, We are going to get extremely HOT before that happens.
As for the 1920’s comment. It may be colder right now- this week whatever… but the averages on a Yearly basis is a little higher.
Sorry- I couldn’t read the whole thread- it hurts my head.
Yeah…pretty amazing. I think I’ll have shorts on when it hits 40.
It is 80 here in NASSAU:bowrofl:
It was pretty f ing warm in charlotte today I got to wear shorts!
I didn’t bother reading the whole thread. But I think everyone should watch Al Gore’s movie. “The Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warming”
also a great film…i have yet to watch it but my teacher at school told us about it at one of our seminars and it contains alot of good info on the subject
there is a great book on global warming and one guy PROVES that it exists and were are FOCKED. also goes into the fact that we will run out of fuel soon…fossil fuels that is…and especially oil/gasoline production
thats the title.
No one can prove it. It is not possible according to the scientific method for a number of reasons.
That info comes from a guy that also claims he created the internet. :doh:
But seriously, i dont see why its so difficult that we cant protect the enviroment. Even if there is an issure with global warming or not, it should be a part of our culture by now.