I guess they were right...

That’s stupid, everyone knows the Govt. invented the internet.

al gore is a total ass clown and that movie is a joke.

while i agree that normally he’s an idiot, that movie is not a joke and he explains his ‘credentials’, on the subject, pretty thoroughly…

I agree on gore, but Global warming is real; as for globalwarming, it is 100% real, true, and proven. Sooner or later it will be a serious issue.


“Global mean temperatures are cyclical with the seasons but also with other normal cycles, as they have been for the entire history of the Earth. Scientific data from ice cores, tree rings and other indicators of global mean temperatures prove this. Human activity has never been the cause of these global temperature swings as the “global warming” advocates claim. If human activity was the cause, where were the SUVs, the power plants and industries in our historical past? They did not exist. If human activity was not the cause of these global temperature swings, what was?”

Al Gore is an assclown and DARPA invented the Internet.

Al Gore is a politician not a scientist…and an extremist at that and we’ve all known this for years…his movie has no real credibility. Read this than see what you think. It drives me absolutely insane that these libs come out and get together with the drive by media to pray on the stupidity of everyday people who will believe anything they read in a newspaper and take it as facts. I believe in thinking for myself and making my own decisions.


In other words, the Govt. invented the internet…

Yes. DARPA was a gov’t agency at the time. I was just being a little more specific, not saying you were wrong.

so while he didn’t write the code, he was incredibly important to the process.

this country won’t even be around to see global warming if we don’t care about more important stuff that plagues us now. fuck algore and his private jet he flies around in… fuckin hypocrite. global warming or what ever farce they try to get us to buy into should be so low on the list of priorities.


I was under the impression that we were coming out of a recent (12,000 years ago) ice age. Somehow, I believed that naturally coming out of it, temperatures would rise.

Anyway, we’ve only got maybe 200 years of actual data to look at. Hardly even a footnote as climate change goes.

And I see it this way…I didn’t even need a jacket here in the burgh on New Year’s Eve. yay for global warming! And, if I happen to end up with beachfront property, so be it.

al gore invented the internet

man it get cold out for like 3 weeks now and you guys become a bunch a fucking whiney crybaby bitches grow some balls and deal with the cold you live in PA.

It was supposed to be a question, forgot the “?”
I was more or less making sure, I looked up DARPA when you said that to make sure but then again google doesn’t always give you the right answer.

x2 and george bush hates blacks…lol

:confused: :confused: