I had the weirdest fucking dream last night..

I was hanging out with Toby Keith, and all these bitches were all over me because of it, but then he came over to me and said how much he liked GWB, and I told him that he was a stupid fag. Then him and all the girls went away, except for this one fat chick, who I ended up talking to. Then she went into the bathroom, and came out as a really hot chick… then I dont remember what happened.

Then later on in the dream I was at this bar watching a Steeler game, and I started talking to these guys about the Steelers and cars and stuff, then one of the guys invited me back to his house and asked if he could buttsex me, so I told him that my door didnt swing that way and he started crying.



:rofl: :hahano: :eek4:

I didnt want to say this, but the gay guy was you. :hs:


:idb: :stick:


see, GW= hoes :bigthumb:
