ATTN Pittspeed

To whom that are making shit up about me and saying shit that is not true u need to seriously grow the fuck up. If u have a problem with me or want to make shit up about me at least make it original, go hang out at the stadiums and talk your BS and lies then hide. I will find out who it is and they will be dealt with accordingly. So if u want drama go somewhere else, and i hope u do know there is a REAL world environment outside of Pittspeed. :bowrofl: kthnxbye

I hope I know who this is :slight_smile:

only people that hang at the stadiums is noobs i think

Eh i’ll admit i started drama b4 but then agian who hasn’t, but i i havent even been around anybody nor talked to anybody in over a month, i have been to busy, you have all these fucktards trying to act cool and make up lies about things or people they have no clue about. I come on the comp for one day out of a month and i have to hear shit talked about me, not gonna happen…

u’ve been down there too

once and didnt go back

I know me and sleeper got into it and i will bust his balls.

but i bet it was some coward that did it

In the words of Kat Williams “its good to have haters”

Someone’s always talking behind your back.

True, i should feel privileged I’m on peoples minds:bowrofl:

wow i just had to tell someone to grow the fuck up. the person i told was hanging out at stadiums too



Probably not, he is too stupid for jeff to waste his time and breath on explaining shit to.

Basically. Till someone puts their hands on me I could careless what they say about “ME.” Family now that’s another story.

Damn, if you said it, it must of been a hell of a scene.


Wow, I thought some people would of left highschool back in highschool when they left. Goodluck in your search Sleeper.

Can we stop the suspense, do you know who said the shit?

No clue and i am sure i will not be told nor will have them tell me either.

I didn’t want to say anything, but since you opened the door . . .

slowcamaro passed a note at recess about sleeper


lol @ thread.