ATTN Pittspeed

it was lunch :stick:

:rofl: at devin

It’s all true, Devin does suck at Putt Putt Golf.


finally someone on here realizes that. but haters will always be there…along with those who ridicule you for the things you do…fuck em all!

i get hated on all the time.i love it :smiley:

i was me faggot… lets settle this in a street race… see you at johnny tsang’s…

I don’t do street races, i’ll see you at race wars bitch

got emo?

got 50 live rats running around at your wedding?


got 5 hours open bar, so i dont care :smiley:

taxi service is requested chad…


can i order a bottle of wild turkey for the center piece of our table???

this thread sucks

Wow, so original…


x2, but since it’s here…lemme make my self comfortable :drama:

Thanks biggest male AW!

i’m sure a bottle is a standard center piece for his wedding look who were talking about here…lol

ive never had a drink in my life…