ATTN Pittspeed


that u didn’t like…


:zzz: & it was I! come get me!:finger2: :hsdance:

Ya baby! I’m gonna butter your bread:3some:


i think u need some thicker skin if your gonna fight someone over rumors or go back to highschool. i was the one that was told the rumors and i told the other party involved. i didn’t make it up, i just passed the info to the person it was supposed to make look bad.


i’m tired of all this shit

everyone wonders why people don’t post as much on here ne more or y they even leave the bored like blackss. all fuckin ghey

[QUOTE=Sleeper;572544]So who was supposed to look bad? And where did u even hear this info BOB? Y would u say shit let alone listen to someone else’s petty rumor and have the audacity to go and spread it around? U tell me to grow up? I NOT once said anything about beating up on someone. U know out of a lot of drama on PS u seem to binded up in a good percentage of it because U act like a little high school kid and ready to take advantage of someone else’s misfortune or hear say to go and blabber around some more till eventually it is a total lie. That sickens me…

True, and adam u should know better man…

take the drama elsewhere. I hate all the he said she said bullshit. I have no clue what this is even about and I don’t care. No more pointless threads like this one.
