Sooo a few weeks back… I ordered 90w mitsu oil for the Evo so I could swap it for the track day… so the order gets shipped with time to get here… now I live DOWNTOWN… 31 houses away from the center of the city ON Elmwood in a dewplex I live in the upper… Monday was the delivery date for the fluid… Now when UPS/Fed ex/ and even the post delivers a package they put it IN the front hall in front of my door… Now i was not home to recive it what does the DHL guy do… set it on my front porch 2.5 feet from the side walk where thousands of people walk by… DID HE THINK IT WOULD STILL BE THERE WHEN I GOT HOME. and WTF does some bum want with 90w OIL? DHL is not being helpful… they keep telling me WE DELIVERED IT. ITS OUT OF ARE HANDS. OMG

now thats bad enough… BUT I had a bumper shipped to my parents house at the same time as my Jetta Bumper is all cracked up… that had a delivery date of last wednesday… didnt even show being in buffalo till monday. now my parents live on a rather died street… but still… there are 50 houses on the street… but they send me an email telling me “WE CANT FIND THE STREET” DID YOU TRY MAPQUEST? OMG… so I had to call and give them directions to my paretns house… WTF…

end RANT/

yea, DHL is at the bottom of the foodchain. that sucks.

on the bright side, you can get 90W anywhere. :slight_smile:

Sorry but :lol: @ having to give DHL directions.

The last place I worked used DHL and we kept having problems with their driver signing for our packages because he couldn’t make the cutoff time for overnight delivery. So he’d just forge the receptionist’s name. The worst part was even after calling and telling his supervisor about this completely illegal activity the driver was still our regular delivery guy. We dropped DHL pretty quick after that.

Hey. I work at Ray Laks Honda/MITSU. Let me know and I’ll get the oil you need for less $$. No shipping.

i always had great experiences with them for all of my Dell crap…was always there the next morning by the time i got up at noon or so :gotme:

1.5 cans of diaqueen on the shelf here :tup: doing my fluids tomorrow night and damm its not cheap either. Good luck with dhl. that sucks.


when I stoped by “transitown” mitsu (the old Dan Goerger) they told me they coulld only sell me it in 30 gallon drum for 300+ … I had ordered it for a 1 gallon container… but I may be PMing you…

so they found my parents house… but after the loss of my oil i tell them to eather have a signiture or put it on the back porch…

it was on the front porch :confused:

I also hate DHL. Lenovo (IBM) uses them for their prepaid return stickers for warranty replacement stuff.

I went onto their website and scheduled a pickup. Did they come? NO! The next day, I did it first thing in the morning… again… and wrote a full description as to where our office is in the building. Again, NOTHING. The next day again, I tried again! All week I went to their website to request a pick up. I got confirmation mails every time as well!

My boss came to me annoyed “Didnt I tell you to ship that monday?” (it was friday) and I said “I went online and put in a request all week!” only to get the “Yea… ok… bullshit” look. To top it off “Take it with you. I don’t want it here monday!”

Fucking DHL. I had to drive out of my way to go bring it to a drop off box on the weekend!

WTF? I’m right by the airport… and they are as well! How fucking hard is it to drive around the corner to come get a package??


DHL screwed me a few years ago(2 i think)…I went online, scheduled a pickup for a hood i was shipping out. Paid for it online, they came the next day and picked it up. 2 days later I come home and its sitting on my porch again. I call asking WTF! They proceed to tell me they no longer ship items this large…So I proceed to ask why they took it in the first place, and why my card was charged. I get the run around BS, so I start getting pissed and raising my voice to the CS rep.

In the end, they wouldnt ship it for me, and took almost 3 weeks to get MY money back. Needless to say I refuse to send or recieve shipments with them.


meh @ dhl, I bought a set of wheels and tires off a friend of mine.
DHL ships me 3 wheels in 3 days.
I’m like where the F*(( is my fourth wheel!?
He said it’s probably on another truck it’ll show up in a day or 2.
7 weeks and 5 phone calls later I got my wheel.
Apparently someone ripped the shipping tag off.
:tup: to thier customer service tho.
When we called the lady on the phone was like We dont lose stuff, and she tracked it down for me.

dhl sucks ass we used them at work one and only once they suck, never on time picking up or delivering, and they always come in a budget rent a truck. wtf is up with that buy your own damn trucks like ups and fed ex

doesn’t the selling vendor/person have the option to require a signature or not?

Another great experience with DHL today, they delivered my new laptop at 12:35 PM. Ordered from Dell late Sunday night with 3-5 day shipping, it shipped monday.

I’ve had DHL ship 5 or 6 items (including some dell items) to me in the last ~year. Only problem I’ve had with those shipments is that the driver’s retarded.

Twice he signed for the delivery himself, and left it on my porch. I know he did, because NO ONE was home.

The rest of the time I had to go to the DHL warehouse to pick up the items.

I’m not saying that they are not fast, just irresponsible, even reckless.


I worked at DHL for a year. only compaints I got was that I showed up too early to pick up packages before they could pack and label the freight :slight_smile: Yea theres quite a few drivers that work their who fell off the delivery truck sometime in their life but what do you expect for making $10/hr. It’s a stressful job being on call the majority of the day, dealing with idiots, finding houses/buildings and so on…People suck.
UPS and Fedex get just as many complaints if not more.