FedEx Delivery

…very reliable. :crackup:crackup

Here is a video of my monitor being “delivered”. The sad part is that I was home at the time with the front door wide open. All he would have had to do was ring the bell on the gate. Now I have to return my monitor since it is broken.


I hope they are are paying for it

i just saw that on yahoo. lol prick

its an Obamanation

I have only had problems with Fedex and DHL. USPS and UPS fo lyfe

i have nothing but good things to say about UPS and USPS.
i buy bike shit from Danscomp (sometimes $200 worth at a time) and neither service has ever lost anything. USPS has been late by a day or so before, but it happens.

Meh, fuck you and your gate.

Lucky for you DHL no longer does domestic shipments within US, only outbound international!

Oh and UPS FTW.

Knock on wood, I’ve never had a broken delivery of anything.

The issues I’ve had with the hard top seemed to have been related to the manufacturer more so than UPS.

Only thing I had broken was some things I ordered for xmas last year, but I don’t blame the carrier, it was VERY poorly packed, fortunately customer service replaced everything for free.

people who get paid low wages tend to not care from my studies. thats why ill never eat at a cheap place.

and most of fedex is crackheads esp in the shipping dept


He’s actually kinda got a point :lol

you always have sand in you butt when you read my posts? seems like it or you just have a undiagnosed hemroid

Can you share some of the materials you studied with me? I’m interested in about the commitment displayed by underpaid employees.

You know you wouldn’t trust a quarter million dollar car to Hoffmans for a car wash or your hotel room to be well cared for in a budget hotel? Well same principle.

And I know and have known a large number of Fedex/UPS/DHL employees, most guys in the warehouse would rarely pass a drug test.

Studies? LOLOL.

I don’t know if you’ve ever worked in a kitchen before, but even if you’re eating at a top TOP restaurant, the dude plating your salad (see:uncooked food, most important) is only getting paid $7-8/hr. Doesn’t matter if you’re paying $5 for a McDonald’s salad or $24 for a walnut pear and soft goat cheese salad.

Edit: Also, just because someone gets paid $200k a year doesn’t mean they give a shit about anything.

real world data. get to know some people in under paid positions and youll see for yourself. ask a mananger if its easier to manage well paid workers or underpaid. observering is the best thing to do. people who are under paid are more likely to quite and not take a job serious as a person with a well paid carrer. do you expect someone to dedicate their life to the job for min wages? i wouldnt think so commmon sense

Granted, one thing you’re not accounting for is that it’s entirely upto the person.

At just about every job I’ve seen the guy who puts his heart and soul into what he does day and and day out also going out of his way for a customer, and I’ve seen a guy who doesn’t give a damn, yet they get paid the same rate.

Exactly. Money isn’t the only factor. A good friend of mine’s Grandfather ran a punch press for over THIRTY YEARS. Most proud guy I’ve ever met.