FedEx Delivery

i understad your point. its a good one. i could of been exposed to that type of person. but from my understanding i can buy alot of things with money. even a better worker. the better worker usually demands more pay. and i should of said in most cases…

and to guy with salad statement. lettuce isnt good eough for me to eat. other shit in salad is fine but f lettuce waste of time and food.

and think of this i have the same 2 job openings. require same skills etc. i get the same skilled workers. i pay one $100 and the other $1000 who do you think will give me more of their all for the same job? i ubderstad it depends on the person but if you found out someone is getting more money for same job would contuine to do it? or would you demand more pay? would you try a little less to even the pay margin? or would you continue to do the job and earn alot less? understanding people is good here to

At first you might get more out of the one you pay more, but after a while it just becomes the same job to both of them and how hard they keep working is based entirely on their personality.

Many people undersell themselves for lack of motivation, opportunity or self confidence and work jobs below their level forever.

Yeah we used DHL at the photolab I worked at, nothing but problems. Also years ago when I did dialysis they brought me a replacement machine, left it on my porch, and were supposed to pick up the old one the next day. He came back the same day, and took the one he just dropped off… he got in some trouble when I called.

UPS (at least the hub in Latham I worked at) break stuff all the time (dozens of packages a night), but given the volume that goes through just that hub in 24 hours (up to 70k packages) it’s nothing. Most of the time stuff gets broken because the shipper never packaged it properly in the first place. Some of it is due to the antiquated conveyer system they use that jams up and crushes packages. Newer facilities are much better.

Just recieved broken shit from FedEx. Awesome

one time Fed Ex threw a trailer hitch I bought in the middle of my driveway and left. People were home and saw him do it, no attempt at ringing the doorbell or leaving it on the porch.

Alright, this is where you are generalizing and stereotyping. I work 40+ hours a week for a job that pays me 9 bucks an hour, i bust my ass day in and day out, as do the rest of my co workers who are paid almost the same as me. While we get the rare one every now and then who doesnt give a fuck, a lot of the people who are in this field bust their ass and do whatever it takes. Thats the only way youre gonna make a paycheck, and get that raise. next time you want to make a statement like that, get your facts straight.

Drivers in UPS and FedEx are some of the highest payed employees, so of all the people handling packages they are generally the least like to mistreat them, by that logic.

Egg-fucking-sactly. Drivers get paid more than the people at the facility and their supervisors, yet drivers are usually the ones you don’t see giving a shit as shown by real world evidence like this video. Not some guys evidence of “observing” with no recording or anything.

So your logic is very flawed.

+rep, same here at my wages, may be low but i still take pride in my work…

I’ve had minimal problems with both. However, A UPS driver recently thought it would be ‘cute’ to put a package in the storage area of my home. Opened a claim, etc…walked out there a few days later and there it sat.

If you have your panties in a bunch about shipping, then don’t ship stuff, you fukking whiney ass bitches. Truth is, shit will get broken. They don’t give a shit because they handle packages all day, just like PJB.


I got you good you fukkers. Merry day after Christmas.

I don’t use anyone but UPS. They have their share of issues with damaging stuff, etc. (what carrier doesn’t?) but I use them exclusively.

USPS ships their crap using mules. Literally. Something will get from here to Cali in 5 days using UPS ground. With USPS? Try 2 weeks. Also, USPS’s tracking system is TURRIBLE (Charles Barkley).

UPS > *

That being said…funny video time…


Thanks for the stupid post!!

No, Thank YOU for the stupid post.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

USPS is fucking my asshole. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY OTHER VALVE COVER. I think CRC intercepted delivery so they could take their time finishing my other one!!!

Fedex blows. USPS Blows.

UPS has been decent.

:lmao I wouldn’t doubt it

My two Transformers from Hong Kong came today, through USPS, completely unharmed :rofl