Why does Fedex fuck up ?

Ok, So I have been waiting for my intercooler to come to me.And my address was written correctly but instead of schenectady ny .It got shipped to scotia new york .This is the second time that this has happened to me !

Just thought I should vent ,kinda pissed being on a three way with the lady from scotia and a guy from maryland.

Just be lucky it wan’t crushed.When I got my type R spoiler for my RSX I wondered why it took so long.Turns out they broke it in half!


Not too bad, the $600 hood i bought that they charged me $1XX to ship got messed up 2X BAD! The 1st one i got the box was ripped open and 6 1/4 size chunks were taken out of the fiberglass! Fuck freight co.'s

Ha whose knows! could be crushed !!! Hopefully not !

When I got a trailer hitch for my old truck Fed Ex delivered it and just threw it in the middle of my driveway and left.

I dont ship anything thru them.

I usually go through UPS or Post office.But all the companies seem sketch

Fedex sucks ass.

I worked at fedex for a little while let’s just say when you’re hungover at 4 am throwin packages around you aren’t exactly concerned about handling with care. Just as in life wrap that shit up good

+1 I worked at fed ex for awhile… at first your like okay i wouldent want thsi done to my packages… but when your getting backed up and they pretty much tell you… i dont care how it gets there, as long as your not throwing it around as hard as you can… we dont give a shit get it on the truck and dont back the line up

I shipped a 42" Plasma TV via UPS, the package came back as refused… It looked like the thing fell off the back of an airplane.

SPeaking of which. Fedex shipped my carbonfiber trunk (hatch) roof spoiler… last week. It said delivered on the tracking number… so i get a call @ 11am today saying its @ salsberry (i suck at spelling) chevolet. WTF!. I get there and its broke in half. litterally. I went to fedex kinkos on wolf slamed it on the counter, and said fix this problem, and walked out.(well i skipped 15 minutes of explaining WTF was up.) Every fucking time a company shipps thriugh them they fuck everything up.

I got a call @ 3pm from the company i ordered it from saying a new one will be here next tuesday :smiley:

Yup, I work at UPS, same deal. Packages flying everywhere.

I guess i am not the only on with bad luck with shipping. Really gets me thinking on how to ship expensive shit .

Move somewhere where 4ADAM12 delivers. Not only is everything on time, you get text message confirmation of things being delivered and cool notes scribbled on your packages :slight_smile:

thankfully I’ve never had an issue with any shipping company

4ADAM12 = 06FG1

Hub by the airport or some other place?

If you’re shipping anything expensive, either wrap it so you could drop it from about 8 feet without damaging it, or don’t ship it at all, because otherwise you’re gambling with it. Insuring it won’t help much since they (UPS) will just just jerk you around until you give up. The way the facility is set up is archaic, boxes get moved around on open carts and banged against railings, belts back up and packages get crushed, things get dropped. I see it happen every night.

When I shipped heads thru UPS the lady there told me that they throw packages around and arent very careful.

The heads got to NJ ok though.