I Hate Girls


Nah, not Miste- she started dating Joe and I haven’t seen her in 2 years. I’m talking closet girls, Alissa, Kim, and Meghan. Three girls who I never really was good friends with to begin with. Now that I think back… I never had any good friends in DL, wonder why?

Jenn, lets make sure to find out where they go…since the first rounds on SONNY…WE ARE THERE! hahahah… then we can dump em’!! — Sonny you know I’m playin!!!

Shes not.

Hahaha :doh:

Reminds me of some of my friends…Girls are bitches.

seriously, Sonny saying he’ll come out for drinks is like me saying I wake up to bj’s every morning

hahaha… thats funny, maybe I’ll get him out tonight. Where are we going?

There’s a reason I don’t have a lot of female friends.

I only have 1 or 2… and 1 of 2 f me over every time.

Yeah I’m the same way…girls can be evil! Guys are way easier to get along with. NO DRAMA!! ( unless there on pittspeed :hsugh: ) I usually have 1 or 2 as well. Normally they see it that same way as me ( don’t get me wrong I associate with everyone, its just that its hard to really trust a girl at times.) And normally girls are to busy trying to backstab or talk shit on you to get ahead!<---- so LAME.( girls like that need to grow up ) I am content with who I am and truely have no need to compete with anyone!

hypocrit :rolleyes:

you need new friends!

Classified ad: hwh22hx looking for nice friend that won’t screw her over
I am:
I like:
fast cars,




Sweet, lets meet up sometime! :blue:

yes score

take pics of the meet!!:wackit:

I’m surprised it took that long for one of you leg humpers to realize this was 2 chics hooking up… hahahahaha

I was waiting for “pic with a penny”

hahaha… Jenn and I already know each other!! We’re just goofs!! :rofl:

calm yourself SINISTER