Crazy "women suck" rant...

So I went out with Blanyer (ShalerPunk) tonight to meet up with this girl he’s kind of seeing and her friend.

I knew this friend of hers from high school. She was in the “urban” crowd, and I was kind of in the heavy metal crowd…so we didn’t associate much then. But she’s alot cuter than she was then, she and I have both changed alot, and she’s been all “tell Blanyer to bring Dinello out blah blah blah blah…”

From the moment she walks in, she acts totally disinterested. Not just “wow this is lame” disinterested, but full on Charles Bronson (c’mon…use the initials) disinterested…

Try buying her a drink, talking, making a bit of small talk…still flatline…

End up paying for all of her drinks…which I’m cool with…

Went to Eat’n Park…still flatline…

Paid for her breakfast, splitting the bill 50/50 with Blanyer.

Total tab for the night is around $70 for going to a dive bar and Eat’n Park.

Still wasn’t even given the time of day…fucking women…who understands them?

(Note: not emo…just a pissed off rant…:rant: )

Any thoughts?

If from the start she wasn’t interested then you should have stopped right there. There was no need to keep paying for things if she wasn’t showing interest. Eh, these things happen - you will find the right chick so don’t give up and don’t change!!!

in all honesty if she wouldnt even talk to me after i bought her one drink i would have either asked an asshole question to either piss her off and make her leave or just asked “we’ll since your a cold bitch and dont wanna talk to me can i atleast get my dick sucked at the end of the night since im buying you stuff”. I think that would have went over well enough that you wouldnt have had to deal with her ever again.

I agree with the previously stated…“one drink paid, but if she then was still not sociable that should have been it.”
If she wasn’t happy to be out with 2 guys who were gladly into her company then she shouldn’t have ever went out! And on top of that she could have atleast tried to have some fun.
Either way GUYS thats the name of the game YOU WIN SOME YOU LOSE SOME! Thank her for atleast letting you know she is stuck up and not worth your time!

she is a cunt and blanyer obviously lied to you when he told you she was all like “bring him out, bring him out”

:bowrofl: I love you Jenn! :bowrofl:

Kill the whore.

i would have searched for another intresting female within eye sight of this little dame.

Then I would have lay’d down the game to the best of my ability showing her if she dont want me, im fine with it, and that i could surely find someone who would at least talk to me,

Bar Rule #1
Never buy a girl a drink.
exception to rule #1 Youve already nailed her. But still dont buy her drinks.

Desperate men use buying drinks as game, to make up for the inhability to talk, they think since they paid for all the drinks they should get some tail, dont work that way,

sorry to hear, man. that makes for an akward night. write that one off


I agree

Which never would have happened cause you have no game—I’ve read your posts :gaysex: :stick:

= you definitely have no game cause buying a drink is the best way to start up conversation… and also let the girl now your not a cheap ass when you ask her if she can pay for her own!
**If you nailed her then you should be lucky that you SOME HOW made it that far and buy her a drink round along with everyone else in the bar to CELEBRATE!


LOL :owned: x50 that was funny as shit

:rofl: you’re an asswipe.

let me guess … you’re single?



id ont know where to start, but all i can say is, i dont ever buy drinks for females, never did, NEVER,

My posts are a terrible way to judge my skilz, and i did quite well while playing the game thank you.


and guys take my advise, cause this is fo" sho’ your typical get in the bar free on ladies night, and walk around teasing each guy with a buldge in his pocket girl right here. :stick:

go you :rolleyes:


I don’t ever expect the guy to buy me a drink, sure it’s nice and it’s a great gesture but not expected!

would you rather have the guys buy you a drink and expect somthing in return, or buy your own drinks and KNOW you OWE them nothing?

The only thing I would expect if a guy bought me a drink would be a date b/c buying me a drink would indicate that he is interested in seeing me further. If of course I’m not interested, that drink offer would be turned down. So in a sense you are right - if I don’t want anything from the guy I will buy my own drinks

:bowdown: Your hottness (mp3ray),
i was hoping you would not see this,

now my chances are gone… :frowning: