Crazy "women suck" rant...

but you can still buy me a drink :wink: lol

buying the girl a drink only in sures that you will go home with less money than if you didn’t buy her one

a woman knows if there is a chance of anything buy the first look at you…

so why waiste time shelling out money on them…

if there is eye contact smiles etc just go over and talk

damn dude… you’re ultra smoooooooth with the ladies


honestly there is one major reason why I NEVER buy girls drinks in bars either…

you get those girls that come to a bar specifically for that…for guys to buy them drinks. I used to know a girl who would go to a bar and flirt/talk with guys just for drinks, and (gasp) it worked. She would get destroyed every nite we went out and spend NO money what so ever. And she never went home with any of them. So whether it was morals or lack there of she did it all the time and I know she is not alone.

If I am genuinely interested in a girl I will go up and strike up a conversation in some creative way rather than buying a girl some drink.

And before my “game” is questioned I do just fine myself thank you

its and ongoing friendly comment,

dickcheese, you dont know what your talking about, do your self a favor, clean the piss stains off your glasses, and read BETWEEN the lines.

:hahano: hahah NO I’m really not like that. Of course I like to have a drink bought for me, what person doesn’t ( guys…I know if a girl asked if she could buy you a drink you’d be game ) and mp3ray ( don’t hide it girl ) :wink: Either way I never expect a drink bought for me…and I don’t run around the club looking for a innocent bystander to pay for em! I go out ot have fun with my friends and thats it. If a guy wants to buy me a drink and I dig him then SURE, if not then no drink for me! :tounge:

Listen if a guy buys me a drink and expects something in return then he’s nuts. And so are you if buying a drink for a girl entitles you to more than a small convo and a smile.

I am soooooooooooooo glad I am married and do not have to deal with this petty BS anymore. fuck dating


Haha…all your game sux0r$

And how do you think double-dating with Blanyer is going to get you any LOL!! Chicks were prob cutting themselves after 5 minutes of his political bs!



I’m with you on this!

i been goin to clubs for years and have never ever bought a girl a drink in my life


I have never and will never buy a drink for a girl…

When you have game like me, you don’t need to buy drinks to get the ladies.

Thats pretty good…never though? really???

Come on Jenn I know you wanna buy me one!!!???:x:

GREAT so im comparable to a traydogg… :doh:

ok …tonight I will buy the first drink for a girl… and I’ll let you all know how it goes.

:beer: :sex: