I Hate Girls

So… a month ago I get a phone call from a friends from highschool that I never really talk to and get along with occasionally. She tells me that it is another one of her friends from highschool’s 21st b-day and they are going to Geauga Lake to go to the water park. I was told I would pay about 60 - 80.00 for the trip.

They needed a 4th person to ride rides with. (So nobody had to sit alone)

About 2 weeks ago I ask my friend what we were going to do if it rained all weekend. She said “I’ll let you know.”

Come to find out she decided tonight that if it rained all day tomorrow and saturday they are going to go to the rock and roll hall of fame. This pisses me off for one of two reasons.

1.) I know the other two girls going and myself would not be the slightest bit interested in going there. So she is being selfish as hell.
2.) When she told me what they were doing it was immediatly followed up by “If you don’t want to come, don’t come”

This obviously meant (because I’ve known her for quite some time) that since they weren’t going to need me there for the rides, I didn’t need to be there at all.

Therefore- I backed out of the trip and am losing a couple hundred dollars by not working the next two days.

I know women suck and I’m being one… but please… don’t offer me a trip, then change all plans and informally UNINVITE me after you realize I don’t ‘NEED’ to be there.

Heather, we need to hit a bar…

that’s beat!!! oh well… stay around pittsburgh and fix your AC!

i am still working from 7am this morning so my overtime can cover your weekend off…

fuck them… you’re better off not putting up with the BS.

aww sonny to the rescue. how sweet


Thats how it should be…U THE MAN, Sonny :rolleyes:

Jenn… about the girls; unfortunately, thats probably why we have more guy friends than GIRL friends anyway ( of course I won’t leave you guys out - you all do your own share of being asses :stick: ) Girls can be such users though!

Well don’t let it bother ya, you probably wouldn’t have had any fun anyway cause I WOULDN’T HAVE BEEN THERE hahahaHHAHAhah!

So to the BAR here we come! Hit me up!!! I work tomorrow but I’m off Sat. Plus my b-days on MONDAY so I got to party it up alittle.

Lets make plans for a little party Saturday then… give me a call when you get off work tomorrow and we can see whats up!

Anyone else?

skank ass Deer Lakes girls :hsdance: (not you)

girls from Deer Lakes arent like that… :rolleyes:


i’m in


oh no… especially not the lesbian ones.

:jerkit: <– you alone while Heather and me go out…

get control of yourself SONNY!! :nono:

Don’t be pissed your soft side has been exposed and the hardass act you have on here is now gone. :finger: :love:

I love girls. sorry.


yea sonny, the girls already have plans. lets hit the bar big baller style

are we talking the closet lesbians that had to get drunk first or the full on lesbians.

Miste didnt switch teams did she?

Heather, we need to hit a bar…[/QUOTE]

posting nude pics of her will allways calm your nerves and make everything fair :steelers:

Reading that made me feel like i am talking to my g/f…hahaha…but for real it would piss me off so just go out with other/cooler friends and have a good time instead

i’m in… first round on me!