Girlfriend Broke Up With Me

Well after almost 2 years now of being happy with each other me and my girlfriend just broke up. What sucks is that i still love her and want her back. The only reason we broke up is because her parents aren’t to fond of me, and that shes going to college. I hate it because we both love each other and there is nothing i can do to fix this situation i feel depressed and all i wanna do is throw up and not eat. Why is Reality such a bitch?

sorry to here that!!!just hang in there ,things wilkl come oround!!!

lots of women out there!

Breaking up because her parents dont want you together = :greddy:

when shes 18 they realy cant say dick to her…

There are always more were that came from… I used to never think it, but there is.

Might have to look outside of UT


youll be ok, it just takes time and some beer!

plus there are lots of women out there especially the drunk ones that are goin to be at my boys party this coming weekend that YOU WILL be attending!

They can if they are paying for college!

Hang in there dude.

dont worry about it you’ll find someone else or maybe down the road once shes away from her parents things may change

If u 2 love each other as much as u say then u will find a way to make things work out

You will never forget your first love, But you will get over them. Now its time to go out and sample all the diffrent flavors of woman, that there are. This is a great time for you. The summer before collage and your single :itr41: I predict that you will have the opportunity for aleast 15 differnt girls to help ease your pain before you start collage. And then when you get to collage :doh: It gets even better :bigok:

It’s rough, but it may be for the best anyway. I know it doesn’t seem like it now but a long distance relationship is just not going to work. She’s going to be away at college and well, I think we all know what happens at college. Even if she’s a saint and never cheats she will still feel held back and restricted by your relationship. In the end she will only end up resenting you for it. Also, you two will grow apart. You are both about to enter a new phase of your life and you will both change. Neither of you will be the same person that the other knows and loves, and while had you gone through these changes together your love may (or may not) have grown with you… certainly when you are apart your love will fade.


thats the most polite way to tell someone to get over it i have ever seen!


he used that line on all his boyfriends here in PA when he moved back to Cali.

Thanks guys. Its just rough cause i care about her so much. And right now i’m depressed. The Sunbird And i are gonna be riding solo and i’m so not used to that. And its just i really thought we were meant to be. I mean p8nt Ballah saw what happened when she just called i flew home just to talk to her.

so thats the story u got!!!

hang in there. You will soon realize how much freedom and ass you can get.

buy nicer car, attract hotter girls = Win

kiss her parents asses… that’s worked for me for three years now…

:owned: :hahano:

well if don’t hang on her now, & give her some space (ie. be cool, don’t sweat her all summer)… and whalla = you’re her cool ex! the guy that all new guys never live up too! the guy that gets guarenteed ass at thanksgiving break, christmas, etc… just lookin for a silver lining. :wink:

the man has a point…

and girls want what they can’t have, it’s almost guarenteed. act like your fine with it and possibly even ready to get past it. she’ll notice and start to freak out and hopefully wanna try things with you again. no matter how the break up goes, the girl will almost never understand why you can move on before she can, and when she notices you, moving on… or atleast pretending to be, she might wanna put a lil more effort into keeping YOU, not you trying so hard to get her back.

i can’t promise it’ll work, but i’ve been in your shoes and lost a girl that meant alot to me. i know how it feels to be willing to do ANYTHING to get her back

hang in there man