I hate kids/teens.

Never said he was being racist…i simply asked what does skin color have to do with it? I’ve known a bunch of kids that would do simple shit like that…not all of them are black

See reply below

Again some cock face on pittspeed taking things to far…my point with that life/shit happens/could have been worse…was…what if this happened in some other area that they were in at the wrong time or if the black kids were from some other area…homewood for instance…his brother might be DEAD, in this day and age he should be grateful that it was worse

i love how everyone takes what i say so far, and 98% of the time too far.

I was asking a simple question…what the fuck does skin color have to do with his brother getting jumped? I was in no way shape or form implying that he is racist, i just wanted to know what the fuck having a darker skin color has to do with his brother getting jumped. Idiots on this site fail to see the simplest things in my statements

Riiiight, this is why i have never paid attention to either of those two…honestly the average white guy pays attention to al sharpton more than i do.

pittspeed assuming things…as usual…ftl