I hate kids/teens.

As soon as the color mentioned is black, you jump in the thread, I bet if someone posted “some white trash POS just jumped my brother” you wouldn’t have two things to say about it. It’s your MO on this forum.

I’m having chinese today at work and getting shrimp in a black bean sauce. IS that ok or are you going to ask me why I had to tell you what color the beans were. Or is the menu going to have to be changed because it doesn’t matter what color the beans are and it may offend someone.

Same fucking concept. Its a description of something or someone. For someone like yourself who claims you don’t see skin color, you constantly get up in arms and “bring to attention” there was no need to post color.

You are starting to get on my nerves so much with this shit in almost every thread, I’m going home and praying for a Mack truck.