I hate kids/teens.

I don’t have time right now to see how the whole thread panned out, but I only needed a few posts in to see the following and totally disagree:

Unless you ARE a black kid, how the hell can you generalize and stereotype?

My biggest problem, again without reading the entire thread to see how it evolved (or devolved as usually is the case on Pittspeed), is that the bottom line is that if the OP was posting about white kids, the color would never have been mentioned. Whether racist or not, that’s disturbing to me that color is used as a descriptor when it’s black kids, but if they where white, color never would’ve been mentioned. If OP is not racist, and it’s not for me to judge, he at least shows bias by stating their color, and that’s sometimes more scary because it isn’t obvious on the outside.

I also can say that after reading only a few posts, that while I can agree with xlogic on the race issue to an extent, I totaly disagree with the “he had something they want… that’s life” statement. Not cool.

But what the fuck do I know.