I hate raccoons! (dead coon inside)

Looks like he’s playing dead, lol.

HAHHAAH @ the pics. LMFAO! He’s playing possum and smiling.

wow, poor guy.

Something about those animals and car accidents apparently they do major damage when you hit them they must be very dense.

Did you keep him to make a hat?

Hrmmm. They ARE in about the same position for head mounting. OP’s would be better because of the coon smiling tho. The true coonskin caps are so boring with no claws or teeth showing. SIGH.

lol no he didnt move or anything, i hit him doing about 55 mph, it just did not sound good when it happened, i hit the brakes and started yellling, you mother fucker! lol

well atleast it will be a fast fix, hope theres no damage im not aware of. watch my airbag will randomly go off now. lol

^ lol

I still cant believe he ended up on his back like that. Its pretty funny.

Ran over one with the Camaro last Friday on the way back from NYI, fuckers…

A deer ran out in front of my Dad a few years back. Caused a shit load of damages, almost totaled the car. My dad was so pissed that he clubbed the dead deer with his tire iron I guess. I think I’d go bezerk too though luckily I’ve only hit a few cats and ended up with fur in ma grillz. LOL

yea i hope you kept that
you can make a sweet cap or even a steering wheel cover for the meet

Well one less on welfare…

I think you should take dead coon with you to the meet. Just lay it infront of the car with the damage!
Damage doesn’t look to bad. Did it break the clips on the bumper or damage the paint?

didnt luckily damnage the paint, no clue about the clips holding the bumper into the fender, but i was able to get it to pop back into place like i said, to where there is no gap and it lines up pretty damn well. if not exact again or close to it.

i would keep him and do that, but no thanks with the mess. would make for one big fucking coon hat though! might not go over so well with the rest of the coons.

still think its funny as well the way he was laying!

also funny note, hes still sitting in the same position as when i hit him, when i drove by this morning. I was going to move him off the road, but seeing my luck and with hitting things, ive hit a few things before, they tend to play dead for a few minute, get up and run away or bounce around. my luck, i would have grabbed his legs, started to pull him off the road, when he suddenly comes too, and im sitting there getting attacked now with rabies! i was not going for that, if it was destroyed, that would be a different subject. feel bad for anyone that runs him over and gets all the shit all over there car now, but it is what it is!

The veiled racism in this thread is painful.

i dont mean anything harsh by anything in this thread to any one!

WOW…you KO’ed that little f*cker :deadhorse2: