I Hate Xp!

My computer runs like crap! I have a Dell Dimension 2400 thats around a year old. It ran great when I first got it, since then my little brother was allowed on the computer and would download more bullsh*t than you could imagine. All kind of spyware and java crap so he could play stupid games. I tried to reinstall xp and it just installed another copy! I lost all my music, vids, progs. everything.

How can I start from scratch? I want XP off the computer, and I want it back like it was when I first got it. I tried to format the drive and it said drive locked!!! GRRRR!!!


and you hate xp why? because you couldn’t get rid of spyware you hate the os?

Because it will not let me start from scratch. I can’t remove XP. I hate spyware, but atleast with win98 I could just remove/reinstall and start over.


i like xp

i like XP just sue the discs that came with ur dell system and follow the instructions.then when u get everything up and running download microsoft antispyware it will remove all that shit

I prefer Win 2000… XP is okay, but not great.

boot to a windows 98se cd and go into unattended dos mode

type cd\ windows
then type
format c: /s /q

then press y

xp will be gone

A Dimension 2400??? It probably has the BARE minimum to run that OS.

i run xp flawlessly on a 333mhz laptop with 192meg of RAM

the Dimension 2400 has a minimum 2.4ghz celeron

obvious user error

i run xp on a p2 233 w 64… talk about bare minimum.



but how many open progs at once till it runs like a pig? and a 2.4ghz celeron prolly clocks closer to 1.5ghz or even lower…i wouldnt know off hand but intel always clocks slow esp that crap ass of a processor celeron

theres always MINIMUM requirements to run…then theres the RECOMMENDED ones… :bigthumb:

celerons are fucking garbage… this is well known.

I dont think Im running a celeron. Im running a 2.20ghz pent. 4. 256mb ram. And I’ve seen snails move faster than this thing…


More ram.


You must have a shit load of spyware/adware on that thing. I had the same exact setup and mine ran flawlessy until i switched over to Server 2k3. Have you tried to run a spyware remover like ad-aware and such you’ll probably have to run it for a week straight but it will get the job done