i have 128 dollars....


A knife, and then run really fast into it.


So that made beer come out my nose. :rofl:


that i dont need for anything because right now i have zero bills to pay an as of recently i have been saving allmy cash. so i want to spend it on somthing kool give me some ideas



im not claiming its alot of money ive just been saving all my checks so when i wan to buy somthing more expensive i have money. i was going to spend this one on somthing and i didt no what to get. so i was looking for ideas.


Spend it on a keyboard. Your shift key isn’t working anymore.

Actually, buy a few of them and pass them out. Looks to be some sort of shift key failure epidemic going on…

I dunno. Hang onto it. As soon as you spend it on something stupid you’re going to need it for something…