Real Big...

I hold in my hand a check from the United States Department of Treasury for $896.13.

GI Bill money to pay for my tuition, but its already paid for…

And i’ll get 4 more for the semester, bringing the grand total to $3557.52.

Whats the most irresponsible way I can spend that?

No contest. Coke and hookers.

Best way? What don’t you have? A Miata? A big ass plasma TV? Motorcycle? Turbo whatever you’re driving now?

It’s already turbo! :lol:

Run more boost, you’ll find what needs the money quickly :wink:

Thats a great plan…i said “Whats the most irresponsible way I can spend that?”


“How retarded am I?”


well obv you’re already clearly retarded.

you should take me shopping…i can spend your money real quick.

or pay my tuition.

give it to me and ill spend it

26’s on a 1987 Caprice. Crushed velvet interior.

Fine, let’s goto sundowners and blow it all on strippers. Happy?

If your cheap there thats like the whole day there:) or you could go to the casino and bet it all on one hand or some kind of cards or roulette?

+1 for coke and hookers

$800 on red.

Then the strip club.

And then perhaps coke and hookers

My weekend is looking up…

jay. shopping. do it.

hmmm, i know how you can spend it. :wink:

buy weed on the internet. have a party. burn it in the fireplace.

edit- or you could take me shopping too. i could spend that in an hour. or less.

That’s it? Should have done the $600 kicker.

Then you would have:

Last Check or Direct Deposit Amount: $1,225.00

Sidenote, if you served in the Persion Gulf or Afganistan: NYS, not the VA, owes you $1000 per semister or remaining ballance after PELL & TAP, which ever is less.

I did do the $600 kicker…i just called them to fix it today.

Buy my hatch for $3557.52.


coke. skeezy myspace girls we can lure here with said coke.

ass. to ass.

or just give it to john donavan as a down payment.

I would have to say blow it on SOMETHING that you can keep…wether it be something like a pimp ass TV. Perhaps you need new clothes, sneakers. I can think of all sorts of ways to spend it…Im HIGHLY against you spending it on hookers…unless you want some STD’s…although the strip club’s are great. Blow it on something you can actually keep(that you would want, not the std’s lol)

i say he blows it (literally) on something he can keep for 20 to 30 minutes. then blow it again. and again. and again. oh crap another nosebleed…