Real Big...

acey ducey… lol

that’s terrible…why would you suddenly develop a coke habit just because you have like an extra 3 g’s…you seem to forget that “cocaine is a hell of a drug” and if he really did get hooked that would be terrible…of course I hope your not serious, but really I vote for a huge tv+surround sound with the extra 3g’s…


Live in the Mansion on Delaware for a month! :tup:

Wilbur + Airbags and Dayton’s. This is one of the most foolish yet tempting things that comes to my mind.

Invest it to make more money


HDTV + xbox 360 + few games + alot of beer :tup:

no one is serious here bud, its ok


go on a sweet ass vacation. your make memories at least :wink:

go alone, bring a different girl back to the room each night.

how was this missed.

Scraper on dubs. Nigga!

Seriously though, if you just got out I would use the money and make the maximum Roth IRA contribution for the tax year of 2006. I think it is now $4,000 (I can’t remeber it was 2, then 3, then 4 and is going to end at $5k per year maximum contribution).

^ thats the worst way to spend it so far,

+1 for a box on dubbs

69 benz, you know you want one

honestly, if you do not want to put it in the bank or invest in something, id say either a nice vacation, or maybe move into a nicer apartment?

New Computer System
Savings bonds
Home Theater

Try to buy a whole bunch of PS3s and WIIs so you can sell them a week before x-mas for triple?

^word to jon

and i don’t know how many times we have talked about what we would do if we had a lot of money we didn’t need. it’s so many times that i’m horrified we had to make a thread about this.

“if i had a lot of money, i’d eat pancakes off a stripper’s body”

“clearly you are gay joe. if i had a lot of money i’d blow coke off a stripper’s tummy.”

i tutor a girl who works at madam’s. i got the hook up. holla if you hear me.

Get blown at Seductions every Friday night for 2 1/2 years. :tup:

Coke on stripper’s stomach ftw.
But if that falls through, feel free to take me shopping. Toronto please…

we’ve been talking about how rock star baller that would be for like ever.

i got that toronto thing on lock.

I’m not spending money on drugs! Or strippers. I hate strippers.