First not-sensable thing you'd buy

If you hit the lottery today and money was no object what would be your first non-sensible purchase?

Obv I would pay the house off make investmenst and all that FIRST, but what would you waste money on?

I know for me the one thing I’ve always wanted and would give a nut for would be one of these:

Classified ad here:

I think I’d want black though, can’t decide on the optional gold rims or not… LOVE these cars. Can’t have an immitation either, one of the best parts of the car is the wail of the v12. How badass would it be to swap a newer Diablo or Murc motor in one? I want.

I would go on a crazy long road trip across country and just blow money stopping at every stupid roadside attraction.

A Divorce !!! :mwahaha

ummm… :wtf

why do divorces cost so much?

cuz theyre worth it :lol

I’d buy a house, and build a sick garage next to it, and deck out the basement.

i see no issue with any of that.

hell no … except thats sensible… i was assuming that was a given! lol

i would get the biggest tank i could

i think jamie used to have that sticker. ;D

thats great i wish i could rock that

i want one that says my other ride is your daughter

Really. You have limitless wealth and you want to go see the Grand Canyon. Really.

It seems like a pretty senseless thing to do?

Okay, even more senseless, I would buy JClark an E30 M3.

That’s better.

Formula 1 team. I would be both drivers. I dont know how it’d work, whatever, I’m rich.

i;d buy VW :excited

hookers and blow.

this response has never been more valid.

the hookers would be to kill, not fuck. i don’t want diseases.

while i’m snorting the blow of a dead hookers ass i would be ordering one of the new aston martin supercars so i could drive away, high as hell, with a fifth of vodka in my hand, crash doing around 200mph, and die in a fire. it would probably be the best day of my life.

oh i guess this couldn’t happen tonight since the aston martin super car isn’t even officially released yet.



Not the winner, his post is not plausible due to the non release of said vehicle in thread.