would you

blow money on a car that you DO NOT need, but always sorta kinda wanted… for a decent but semi-high price for a clean clean car?

in short… should i blow some cash.




enough with your double adjectives biatch, shouldnt you be saving for a wedding/house/caravan?!


rofl. no.

  1. Shouldn’t you be working?
  2. Cars come first always…

Sure. I’d buy another geo storm hatchback in a heartbeat. I loved that little POS.

not quite… that ‘investment’ would be under more scrutiny than peer-pressure :rofl:

old school vw…

Go for it if its something you have alwyas wanted. If i had the money i would

:bowdown: ^keeper

Definitely. It might be priced a lil’ high, but if you can afford to get it running and have fun with it…I’d say go for it.

it ain’t my money, spend away.

can’t take the money with you:dunno:
just don’t stretch yourself thin

it all depends on if there is other stuff you NEED…if not then why not


the problem i’m faced with is that it’s a clean old car and my goal would be to get it, clean it up nice, get it runnign, then chop it apart… :rofl:

but i guess we’ll see… time will tell and i need to finish 1 project at a time.

going to look at it soon… if bought, pictures will follow.

im cash BLOW ME!:bj:

i’ll take a raincheck on that.


i bought a super clean car that i’ve always wanted. im happy, but no one else thinks it was a good idea.