I have absolutely nothing to do today...


Well I’m as close to nobody as you are, atleast I can admit that. And actually…

He was just pointing out another member that walks all over you.

But sure, I guess what he said would of just made anybody flip out as much as you did cupcake!

cupcake, what a fggt. :lolno:

This argument isnt as amusing as it could be :squint:


so much suck in this thread :picard:

yea, moboost is still kinda new at this me thinks.

Gotta lose the training wheels someday I guess…

The Sherm comparison picture isn’t hilarious to me anymore. Good effort though.

Your mother learned to swallow a year to late!

Oh wow… after reviewing your profile… you do drive an Fbod. You have no idea whats going on so stop taking sides muffins.

All i have to add to this thread is that working at tim hortons at any age is worthless unless you are in the corporate offices. When I was 19-20 and going to school full time I had a job as a securities analyst for Harold Brown. I think that looked a lot better on my resume than bagel bitch. Following that I started a company and learned even more. I guess I could have gone to McDonalds since I was still in school and that is what people of that age do right???
No that is what trashy people do. I had about 1-2 years where I fell off the map of my career, but never strayed away from a decent job. My “off” time i was the Operations Manager for AAMCO across western NY. I would say that cupcake and his IT job are much better off than you are.
PS: I don’t drive an Fbod

Hey…you two…

Shut the fuck up…lets focus on whats important here…me

do you call people muffins and cupcake to let your inner gay out?

lol +karma you selfish bitch

-karma to me for double posting :frowning:

Oh… and take a poll of where people worked when they were 19… and you will be a rarity mofrair. Believe me… I have a lot more of slef earned money than most people my age due to numerous reasons.

And with that said…Square FTW

It’s just a reminder of who is at the other end of LZs computer.

You really are the worst n00bie ever…


Saliva sucks so bad…

i think i might bring ear plugs and just walk around enjoying the peace and quiet…and the scenery…

I just don’t like you. Timmy’s Ho stock seems to be on the rise this morning, they must of pushed enough boston cream.
Never cashed in those stock options eh?
WEllllll you’ll probably close the day off and make a few bucks…

Oh, you were right tho…

I do drive an fbody, it’s siq. I also have my suby wagon for a winter beater. :pimp:

I work at a bike shop, and work independently building websites.


I know exactly what I’m talking about.
By the way…
Who the fuck are you?





ok ok

have fun d/c I’m off to the office