I have absolutely nothing to do today...

Yeah I’d rather be working at a gas station, tim hortons, landscaping, etc…
I’d probably be cooler with a desk job and bitch work.

Isn’t anyones goal in life to be their own boss? Of two businesses. . .?

Comments on this Post

“whatever.” A.J.

You have 44 Reputation point(s)."

lamo… its that bad?

regulations on FI’s are nuts now. The more technology advances, the more info they want.

And are mamy people still doing unethical/illegal things, or has the crackdown really helped?

Do you know anyone that has been personally affected by the tightening? (meaning busted?)

this conversation is not making me less bored…:squint:

I’ve only been here since January so I don’t know what it was like before; the old timers make it seem like it’s just a lot more red tape. Supposedly they caught someone in my department doing some shady shit about 2 years ago after the tightening and fired him. He became an eBay entrepreneur and they ran a story in the Buffalo news recently about how he’s a millionaire now.

But this is not the business to go into for someone looking to get away with anything. I mean, when you’re making <100k and moving around a few hundred billion at a time, the desire is always going to be there.

So everyone does right lol? Just dont get cought!

No I get what you are saying.

One cool thing is my office window overlooks the baseball field. I am using the zoom on my camera phone to try to pick out hotties in the stands from 19 floors up.

SOX is no big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the ones without a clue ( executive management ). Systems can always be modified when necessary, and policies can be written in the rare case that the system can’t be changed. No big whoop, just a lot of money wasted on consulting/auditing. I hate auditing.

I need to look at HSBC again though. Plus the food court there is legit!

booooo to HSBC

still waiting for my paycheck to be deposited/show up :tdown: :rant:

the FFIEC is our biggest pain in the ass. They keep demanding more and more every fucking quarter.

M&T Bank…worked there and will never go back.

Don’t be blowing up my troll names fool


i might be able to hook you up :snky:

Fuck this, i’m going home.


Waiting for PMs, boys :retard:

no gold plated executive telescope?

He’s too busy stuffing that up his hot, stocking+skirt wearing assistant’s ass.
