i have been trying

to get us a story on a local news event… finally today I got a message back.

Dear John,

Thanks for writing to KDKA TV.

The screening sounds like a great event, and it looks like your organization is involved in some very worthwhile causes. Since the episode appears on another station, we’re not sure that we’ll be able to cover the event itself, but we have forwarded your message to Dave Crawley so that we might be able to do a story of our own

Thanks for watching - and best wishes for a great event!

Your Friends at KDKA TV

dam & i wanted sonny abatta there!:sad:

what station is she from? I don’t watch local news that often. i did not even know who this crawley guy is. gina said he does like local positive news stories. I hope something works out, its a positive thing for Pittsburgh. Get some bad off the air for at least a few minutes

coo, good luck. the coverage would awesome exposure:hsdance:
