Good News

last week i promote the shit out of the project but I kept it quiet since I did not know what was going to go through or not.

First things First, I got a call back from Jim Zufall. He is how I got on KDKA radio a few months back. Well I am now booked to go on July 8th to talk about the project in a half hour segment. And then I have an open invitation to go back on when they let us know its going to air. So this is pretty good news and will help promote the project and hopefully get a few more sponsors!

Second, not sure if we can do this or now. But the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix event is the weekend before we leave for MIR. The head of the Grand Prix Dan asked that we bring the car down that weekend if its done, to show it off and tell everyone what we are doing and take donations from there. I told them it depends on whats done… so will see about that one.

thats pretty much it for my update, Jeff will give me the check on Sunday when I see him. I have all the appropriate paperwork to him so there should be no hitches! woot lets get this thing rollin!


yons racing is donating a seat… more good news!

good work john