Media Coverage

shit is gonna hit the fan

there is a interview for KDAK this friday at starlight crusis

i will be there. no cars

if you guys can make it whitey will get us the exact times

it be good they want to run a series on us up to the premier party

:cool: let us know ahead of time.

whitey is on it

getting exact times for friday

we allow as much time ahead as possible :bigthumb:

free advertising for the shops here we come!!!

well to further clarify… here is the deal KDKA Radio will be out at Starlite on Friday. They are taking over the show there that night and would like to talk to us about the cars, shops experience… Just like a 10 minute thing. The more people the better! Then, not this Saturday but the following Saturday they would like to do a radio interview with everyone. Also they are going to keep promoting the show/site/shops/party until the show airs. This is radio, but its definitely a start. A good bit of people tune into this show!

So Friday at Starlite Car Cruise in Wexford. Be there by 6:30

why no cars?

if you want to bring them, then i can set that up. I just told them no since everyone was opposed to Saturdays showing.

star lites closer & less time:D

ok penis… let me get on the phone again. Spangler, maybe we can get some news coverage? any contacts?

im getting used to interviews why not do a nother one lol lol. lets do it!!!

we famous bitches

well mr.dick make sure its ok with the others???:smiley:

is it ok with the others… you would be the one bringing the cars!



yes i would!

ok yes we need to do a media release letter

i have an example of one the af use’s

oh yes i have contacts but media wont talk unless you have a new realses

and i can fax it into tons of places

whats your emial

ill send the example over and you can graft the one used from the vintage grand

Are there any issues with Pinks on team members disclosing information from the event before it’s aired?

I can be the annoying proofreader on the news release. Just finished bleeding red ink on someone’s report.

yeah read over

but its public knowledge

its an opean event and wasnt a closed set

exactly… anyone could spill the beans that was at the show

just think guys this is just the begining

here is an email i received this morning

Hi John,

Congrats on the win on PINKS! I’ve been watching the forum pretty close and there certainly is a buzz about the whole thing. You guys should be proud of yourselves.

The question I have for you is: I have a column due this weekend for the August issue of Motorsports World Magazine. I was going to dedicate a paragraph or so to the PINKS project and the subsequent victory.

I just wanted to make sure to ask you about it first before I put it in print. I wasn’t sure if there were any restrictions on what can be said about it before the show airs.

Let me know.

Pass along my congratulations to everyone involved.

Jim Zufall
Staff Writer, Motorsports World Magazine
Staff Columnist, Dirt Track Digest
Co-Host, Rappin’ on Racin’ (WEDO 810 AM Mondays 6-8 PM)
Contributor, Car Radio (KDKA 1020 AM Saturdays 1-3 PM)
