I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

380$/week take home is decent $. sorry not all of us sell our souls to a company for $ homie. after being unemployed im just fine doin what im doin.

that was the joke congrats

wanna cookie?


Fixed that to bring it closer to reality

ive by no means sold my soul to the company and they have paid me 83k so far this year

thanks boss

Nah, I got a few right here


I wanna do what that guy is doing ^ (Grimmick)

i could survive just fine on $380/week in my own place.

Saw you in your (old?) E-fotey pullin out. Easily one of the most recognizable cars in the area.

on average… how many hours do you work a week?

Now that you dont have a $600 car payment for a burnt up car im sure

Oh, and if you could survive just fine, WHY ARENT YOU?

Living at home with mommy at 27+ sounds like TONS of fun

Honk atcha boi next time!

What does that have to do with $/hr?

No doubt foo

Uhm wow… thanks. lol

But that isn’t SHOWING me how to post a pic, it’s showing me that you know how to post a pic. lol

nothing… it has to do with the selling of soul comment.

Upload picture to imageshack.us

Copy and paste the IMG code


on avg prob 45? during the holiday hours ive been up around 50. nowhere near “selling my soul”