~*Official Buffalo Bandits 2007 Season Thread*~


no. However i’ll hand it to roch. they look strong this yr for sure. They are playing defence about as good as toronto was a cpl yrs back. Tonight wetherup playing an amazing game for your guys. We just plain didnt show up. However not having Chugger, Tavares, Bomberry, McCready and Kilgour in the lineup didnt help either. Just glad it was a meaningless game. Hope to see ya in 2 weeks.


Wetherup was awesome last night. I am glad he was the MVP. The bandits did seem to take it easy but the K-hawks were obviously not letting up. I am just glad no one got hurt. Hopefully we will meet again in two weeks. I am sure it will be a great game.
Hopefully all the Rochester fans were just as courteous to the bandits fans last night as the bandits fans were to us on Friday.