I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

pjb might break the “unlucky” streak?

oh shit kramer is alive :lol

Ok… but I really hope he dresses warm, cuz my doors are locked, my dog will eat him if he comes inside and my Scott will kill him if he’s not eaten and still here when he gets home. :slight_smile: lol Sorry PJB, no offense.

PJB will man handle anything & anyone. Sorry to disappoint you.

You underestimate the sneakiness of PJB

hey, you dont have to worry about me coming over or doing anything weird. Im not leaving the house tonight and I should already be in bed since Ive gotta work tomorrow.

What he MEANT to say…

Is i’ll be outside your window in 20 minutes

I’ve never seen a picture of PJB… even if I had though, it wouldn’t matter.

:rofl finals took priority over timewasting/procrastination for once

PJB’s a cutie

here’s a few pics that i took of him last month:





from a local newspaper:

pjb is strong

not at all. Im not that kind of guy at all.

let the fun begin!:number1

Dont be shy around the new girl paul

LOL You are both funny guys… 1. Scott’s training to be an MMA fighter. (think UFC) And I have dead bolts on both doors in the house and my dog doesn’t like strangers.

LOL I know you’re not going anywhere… and even if you were it wouldn’t be to where I live. Cuz 1. you don’t know where I live and 2. you don’t know where I live. lol

okay. a few things

1 scotts a pussy


3 PJB knows where you live

You like Matchbox cars EG?

  1. You don’t know Scott

  2. NAACP… huh???

  3. NONE of you know where I live, not even Starr… I just moved here. lol

Sure… ?

  1. regardless, he is

  2. PJB is better than everything and everyone

  3. PJB KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE. its that simple. he just does.

he should be there any minute.

PJB’s got quiteeeeeeeeeee a few. If that sways your opinion at all.