I joined a dating website and started talking to Travis

Yeah I would’ve loved to had a lengthy conversation outside today in the snow. :Idiots

most of my calls are when Im working and out on the road so thats ok for the most part.
Service in my house is spotty.

haha nope, not the dunkin donuts habibs but
these are hindo bindu bibs

the country Farms on Erie boulevard in Schenectady is owned by the ones with dots/targets on their foreheads.

I was just in Schenectady today… I went to Proctor’s to see Wicked. :slight_smile:

I went next door to Aperitivo for a delivery.

Please. My T-Mobile BlackBerry loses reception in NYC but rock solid in Bermuda.

Is this a PJB match made in heaven or is it me? :eek


We tried to go to Aperitivo for lunch before the 2 o’clock show but when we waited 40 minutes for our order, and we all ordered sandwiched, and STILL didn’t have our food and only had 20 minutes to eat and find out seats… we decided to tell them off and leave. Then we went to Nico’s across the street. The service was HORRIBLE, the food wasn’t that good but the entertaining hobo and the creepy guy with missing teeth who kept smiling at me through the entire dinner was worth the wait for our food. lol

They were in the same city today, it must be love.

Cross paths with girl…

never leave house again

who needs plenty of fish… pjb is pimpin shift…

And by the way… slap yourself. :tongue lol

So PJB is this boyfriend you’ve been raving about?

I have a boyfriend… :slight_smile: Thanks, no need for internet love. He’ll be home in 9 hours.

Aperitivo has been busy as hell lately but thats no excuse.
Ive only been to Nico’s once when I had jury duty and that was when it was just a pizza place and not a restaurant.

Creepy people are all over in that area. I see some real nuts around there.

Hahaha… that’s cute but no.

So what you’re saying is that you find PJB to be cute

9hrs is PLENTY of time of PJB to get his grove on

EPIC WIN :rofl

pluss juan, 'cept scratch 19 and throw in 18, im sure joey was at 18 too

nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PJB’s on his way.

EDIT: spectacular thread, BTW