I just caught Batman

Or maybe Dracula. Batman sounds more badass though.


Heard this little thing crawling across my kitchen floor. It’s crippled/mamed so I trapped it under a cup and slid a piece of aluminum sheet underneath to contain it, then tossed the whole thing outdoors for it to fend for itself.

you asshole :lol Didn’t want to rehabilitate him?

Believe me I’ve been around enough bats in my lifetime. The fact that this one was fucked up means it either duked it out with something else, or has a debilitating disease. The latter of which I did not wish to find out personally…

fucker should have used his batarang better…

i wont be eating any cookies baked at your house. You should have done it a favor and finished it off. Now hes cold, crippled and dying. You could have made him warm and dead. You can be such a selfish dick sometimes.bahaha

And what would you have me do at 1am sir? Put him outside and put a .22 in his head? Beat him with a spatula. Or maybe stick him in a ziplock and let him suffocate to death?

Maybe I’ll go back out and scoop him up and casually place him in your kitchen for Meg to find tomorrow afternoon? Yeah, that sounds like a better idea.

Typically if you found a bat in your house there could be others. Hopefully this is the only one lurking around in your house. Otherwise you may have to Billy the Exterminator over there!

looks like a cat or dog got at it

What ya never touched off a shot in the house ? Pussy

yeah come on now, kendra would just think its you getting owned in cod.
