i just realized

joey you have toooooooooo much time.

almost 10K posts?




I don’t have too much time…I come on, post a bunch at one time, leave… I am not at a computer from 9am until 6pm or 9pm on some nights…I just stay up late some nights with nothing to do.

Not to mention it’s great entertainment between classes and while at work. :banana

I have seen at least 20 hooked on 240 posts about Joey’s posting habits. :gay

me too, he’s on my tail :runaway :umm

LKS is onto something here… :umm



19 and here we go…

prolly not gonna hit it tonight, forum will die down soon enough

10,000 FTW

well, it happened…and now I am the Shift King!..but have some gay ass stars!! :wtf

I can’t see the stars/.

congrats :giggedy

i just realized i shifted into 2’nd…

:stfu :nana

i’ve just been stamped

by a fat sweaty guy that just got done masterbatin

another STICKY thread.