I keep it fresh like Subway.

See heres what a car with K1’s on it should look like. My old GSR…



I think they look 100x better than the “bronze joints” :lol

??? wasssssup? :lmao

If you want, sure.


looks good.

don’t lower it. you’re neither

  1. mexican
  2. black
  3. stunter
  4. poor

so that won’t be necessary.

you are painfully stupid


hahah fuckin leo

cut the springsssssss

I should pick up a set for my Firemaro Z twenty WSS

Someone is lookin to get banned with off color comments. “All this racism is killing me inside”

Wow. My car is identical. I have had the kosei’s since 03 !!!

i miss my gsr even though it wasnt as clean!

hey let me get in on this, I Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy MISS my GSR

I miss my gsr.

i realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy miss my GSR

I never had a GSR and didn’t miss not owning one


i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly want to get a gsr some day

you just had to out do me with more y’s uh pete

They dont look bad, but I think the Grids looked better on the car.

hang on let me get in on this too… cuz i REALLY MISS my GSR

thanks to this title i got subway for lunch today