See heres what a car with K1’s on it should look like. My old GSR…
I think they look 100x better than the “bronze joints” :lol
??? wasssssup? :lmao
If you want, sure.
looks good.
don’t lower it. you’re neither
- mexican
- black
- stunter
- poor
so that won’t be necessary.
you are painfully stupid
hahah fuckin leo
cut the springsssssss
I should pick up a set for my Firemaro Z twenty WSS
Someone is lookin to get banned with off color comments. “All this racism is killing me inside”
Wow. My car is identical. I have had the kosei’s since 03 !!!
i miss my gsr even though it wasnt as clean!
hey let me get in on this, I Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy MISS my GSR
I miss my gsr.
i realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy miss my GSR
I never had a GSR and didn’t miss not owning one
i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly want to get a gsr some day
you just had to out do me with more y’s uh pete
They dont look bad, but I think the Grids looked better on the car.
hang on let me get in on this too… cuz i REALLY MISS my GSR
thanks to this title i got subway for lunch today