I know, I know. I'm old...

I know this site isnt a “Harley friendly” site but here goes anyway.
First off, I have to say I’m not a typical Harley rider. I’ve owned 4 Jap bikes in my life, the first being a Yamaha 650 “Special” & the last being a Kawasaki Ninja 1100. I had tons of fun, gotten into lots of races & gone over 165 MPH. Well, I sold my Ninja around 17 years ago, a few after my son was born.
Wasnt so much I wanted to sell it, more that I just bought a house, had a kid to raise, & $$ was tight. Well, jump 17 years, 3 back surgerys, much older, less hair & to be honest, I don’t want to go much past 100 MPH anymore & My god, I thought my 1100 was fast… These new bikes are so much faster!!!
Anyhow. A couple buddys I used to ride with bought Harleys So I started looking. I came across this 03 Road slob, I mean King, liked the ride, a good cruiser that my wife might hop on. I did too many dumb things back in the day, she swore she’d never ride with me again.
So I bought it. So the next time you see a Harley going down the street, dont figure he’s just another Harley a-hole, maybe just a guy who’s been there, done that, still loves the new rice rockets, but just chooses to ride something a little slower these days.

Nice pickup. I got to ride my Dad’s this past summer and he rode my zx6. I can see getting one in a couple years after I am done with the Ninja.

awesome… congrats nice bike.

Thanx. Yeah they are really different. I’m not used to the weight yet but only ridden it twice.
I bought it from a guy in North Carolina. We met 1/2 way in West Virgina, Put it in the bed of my truck, brought it back here.

bad ass bike!

the old ninja 1000’s are slow in comparison to the new 600’s lol, its almost ridiculous.

the 3.8 going up for sale soon then?

I guess it’s not bad :slight_smile: haha nice ride man, either way, sport bike or harley, were still part of the same group of guys :tup:


I know! The new bikes are unreal. But back when it was new it was just about the fastest on the street. A buddy had a couple year newer Katana? & it was slightly faster on the top end. That was a 1200 I think??
We were coming back from a night of cruising, we got on the 400 expressway. Of the 4 of us the only guy who could pass me was the Katana. We knew it was a speed trap but we were young & dumb.


Hope you don’t go gay and sell the car

Gone,for now. May replace it this summer.:frowning:

wow u sold it?locally?

No, I traded it for the Harley. Did some research, the car was worth slightly less than the bike. Did an even trade.
Car needed some major work. Engine was tired. 81,000 hard miles. It was either put big $$ into the car or get rid of it for something else that I didnt need to pour a lot of cash into.
I really believe I can sell the bike for more $$ than the car so if I miss the GN too much, I’ll sell the bike & buy another Buick.


katanas only come in 600 and 750 IIRC, but most of the 600s on the market will do 160+ its unreal, theyve capped off all the other bikes at 186 (it was getting out of control) but the huge difference in your bike and the old bikes are that the new bikes weigh about 150 lbs less :lol:

the old ninja-liters were the kings of the road, thats definitely the truth.

ugh shouldent of sold the GN man, they even hold they’re value more than Harleys.