i laughed at this protest

If no one can hear, how do you know it makes a sound?

its easy the tree takes off and crashes into the deaf kids

doh, that sucks considering that can’t talk / cry for help.

I really hope i have no deaf kids. I will have to put them down.

^ hahaha.

I want to play marco polo with deaf people.


nugh fisch out ah wahteurr!!!

ahahahhaha i didn’t know someone could type and sound like he was deaf



epic fucking thread


i saw the clip on the news last night, the students and faculty interviewed were actually more audible and enunciated better than a lot of people on here

yea with their hands, retard…last time i checked your hands dont speak

ahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaha…i literally just pictured someone actually sounding like that…made my night

^ WOW you truely are retarded aren’t you? So deaf people can’t talk with their mouths because they can’t hear with their ears?

at any point, when you read what i just wrote, did it click?

cory watch video again.

They has moufs? theys can talks?