i laughed at this story

does that make me a bad person?


i mean … seriously :wstupid:

It would would have been more fitting had it happened in the south. Who knows, maybe it was a redneck that migrated? :gotme:

Oh, and I thought this was going to be about the dumbasses who thought it would be cool to re-enact the Saddam hanging… and were successful. :rofl:

Willie, Gertler stresses, is no racist. “My client’s first marriage for 17 years was to an African-American woman. So I don’t think he’s racist.”

thats like saying " my client was married to a woman for 17 years, so im sure hes not gay" … but in all reality you cought him with a dick in some guys ass

and that fact that hes no longer married to said black woman weakens his story even further, as he could have become outwardly racist based on the divorce

i like the cliff notes at the top especially

• Black workers questioned white managers, got few answers

i like how they always bring in the prejudice card when ever they can

I thought it was awful. :frowning:

uh, that’s not funny

Bullshit, the fact that instead of talking to Human Resources they went and got a lawyer to file a suit shows they are just looking for a pay day.


Funny not found?

fucking pussies.

No I mean I don’t get what is so funny or offensive about it. It’s just bleh, then again lead has less density than I do sometimes.

its fake