I love LaDuke fails (Alero material INSIDE!)

Take it easy.Mines a 1.9. :lol

yea im happy i was not there for that. idk if i could sit in the car with kramer for another 3 hour pull over hahaha

would have been not remotely funny and kind of pathetic if i got an expensive ticket for something that you could have easily helped prevented


no harm done

Nah, would’ve been even funnier and 100% not my fault for you not paying attention.

never said it was your fault :facepalm

still a scummy move that you didn’t tell me, at least now i know who i can trust :lol

You calling me “scummy” because you weren’t paying attention?
You are a fucking retard. Not my responsibility.

i completely understand that it is my responsibility, numbnuts. you easily could have prevented the situation and decided not to for your own amusement. pretty stupid if you ask me

and i’m not the one who’s almost getting kicked out of college, thanks though

wow just wow,

lurch dont talk to ma bitch in that tone

i thought i was your bitch? :’(

Now you took it to another level, fuck you faggot. Just wait.

he was trying to tell me then i looked and saw the redlight so i thought k20 was wrong and didn’t say it was a wrong way.

who are you, cameo? :lmao “i dont get even, i get revenge”

you were the one who was practically bragging about it

like i said, it’s over, it was funny (only because nothing bad came out of it), and i learned something from it.

over and out

the end


theres only a few people that I know from my school that arent getting kicked out :rofl I’m goin back!

yea dont get too loud yet kramer college isnt anything like high school

lol @ the whole spring compressor thing…

they are all generally the same. i actually 9 times out of 10, don’t even use the compressors when taking the springs off the struts. lay it down on the ground, put your foot on it, point it away and let it fly. i do it like this all the time. been doing it that way for a solid 8 or so years.

theres a good amount of springs that are so short they barely need to be compressed to reassemble.

people are flaming you because you drive something that there is really no reason to put any money in to. its an auto olds dude.

i will flame you because you tried to race me last year on 155 in my vr swapped gli. my car was a turd, but i would have demolished you. don’t pull stunts like that an expect to be liked on here.

as do 90% of honda owners, whats your point


Holy shit im dieing over here hahahah


  1. Nick your apparently an oblivious retard
  2. I give it till the end of this “turbo build” till you realize this
  3. Have fun spending thousands upon thousands of dollar for custom parts to build this thing… I bet just to make this thing reliable for boost will cost upwards of 15K with custom rods/pistons because no one makes them for your car…
  4. Your car will indefinitely blow up with a 40r 9lbs that is if you can ever get it to fully spool :rofl
  5. Your choice of turbo shows that your an ignorant oblivious retard

Give up and buy something that theres aftermarket for especially because your an ignorant retard

A quad 4 cant even handle being NA half the time so a boosted quad 4 is definately gonna blow.


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