I love the show Cheaters

First the host gets stabbed…now a guy that was cheating on his wife got tazered hahahahahahahah

I need the season dvd

So what’s scheduled for the season finale? Someone getting shot? Or might that be the series finale?

I dunno but a guy getting tazered by a rent a cop makes me laugh

but whats funnier is the wife that was cheated on is like…o baby u ok?? and then hes like yeah…and she starts to beat him with her purse :lol:

The stabbing episode was the best! Didn’t some chick burn all of her guy’s stuff on the front lawn once? Classic.

I dont know…i watched one where the girl broke the guys family heirloom guitar over a curb lol

haha i seen the tazer 1 tonight he was all like get in the car b4 they shoot u too lol and the host was all tryin to b tough guy and was like u like that want it again lmao!!!

lol somtimes that show is pretty good. Like one time they showed up at this one guys apartment because this girl’s girlfriend was cheating on her with some guy and another girl, they all busted in and they had some kind of threesome with bondage and shyt… i think in that same one the guy gets all pissed and comes out with a paintball gun and starts chasing after the camera guy lol

lmao… that show is horrible.

funny though

I hate the show, but I can’t stop watching it, especially at 1am.

i’ve heard about the stabbing one. was that in an actual episode? tempted to get the DVD lol

It actually was an episode. I just remember one with someone tied or handcuffed to the bed when all the cameras busted in, that must suck! Most of the people are disasters, stupid show but you just can’t turn it off.

ohh man that show is the shit