I made the "pilgramage" to Normal Il

It was Mitsubishi owners day at the american mitsu plant in normal/bloomington illinois, which is like 2 hrs from where i live. I saw pics from last year and it looked worth while. Got there and the first parking lot was all 1g and 2gs… most highly modded, other part of parking lot was 3g’s and some 4gs, vr-4s and tons evos too, was pretty much heaven for a mitsu/dsm person. They greeted you nicely, if u owned a mits u got a free raffle ticket for some sweet prizes and a thank you package. the main area had a ton of display cars, like boeings spyder, hks and ams evos and talons were there, an 8 second evo with a turbo that made the 70 trim look like a t25, next was a tent where they just gave away free parts, nothing really useful, some spoilers which I missed out on, free food and drinks also… then there was the tour of the mitsu plant, 2.4 million square feet, its insane, the holy land for dsm owners, was a great trip tryin to find some pics

sweet… would have been nice.

Galant VR4s or 3000GT VR4?

Either way, I’m waiting for pics :slight_smile:

Sounds Hot. :tup:


is everything square!?!

im so pissed forgot camera, im tryin 2 see if anyone from the st louis site has got pics, vr-4 galants and 3kgt, im jealous of the cars that were faster than mine,wait all of them

nice plant, got to visit back in the day when they were building DSMs.


Tow truck driver’s dream?

i love the paint job on the boeing spyder, i didnt take these just borrowd them from a local site






and the evo x http://www.stlsr.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12194&d=1157911003

love this one http://www.stlsr.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12192&d=1157910981

They don’t work.

Sounds like a lot of fun though!

Oh wait, now they do!!