I met a crazy!

So I sit down to eat my lunch.

munch munch.

and this lady, for the past three days, has sat down and talked to me. I of course thought yes double date with Jan and Chris, but then I realised this lady was carrying the coo coo motherload.

She messed up an order of 200 yesterday, so her table isn’t very happy with her.

her “So you drive a car?”

me “Yes”

her “What kind of car?”

me “Honda”

her “What type of Honda?”

me “an Accord”

her “What year?”

me “1997”

her “oh, those are stolen a lot”

me “Yeah, I know. Insurance knows this too”

her “So where do you live?”

me “North Tonawanda”

her “where in north tonawanda?”

me “Off of nash” (which pretty much divides the city in two, so she’s pretty screwed at this point)

her “oh! I know where THAT is!”

me “good!”

two hours later I see her

her “Hey I didn’t see any Honda Accords out in the parking lot!”

me “That’s because I drove my mom’s car, my caliper seized and I haven’t gotten to it”

her “Oh, that’s good to know”

So tonight:

her “Did you come in late?”

me “no”

her “I didn’t see you come in today”

me “I wasn’t late”

her “oh, I was looking”
… shudder… i don’t even want to know WHY

then lunch today

She has this “the fun bible book” or some crap. She starts reading it to herself. I was like oh god, please save me. But lucky for me I got to watch CNN and let that stupid blonde bitch on there discuss the same thing she did last night: death. So it was hardly a choice I wanted to make.

her “So do you take the same way home every night?”

me “Yes”

her “that’s strange, you turned right on tuesday and left yesterday”

me “Oh, but I get to the same street?”

her “What street is that?”

me “Military”

her “Oh!”

So obviously today I didn’t take Military.



Looks like you have an admirer. :lol:

thats kinda fucked up.

When you stop posting
we will know some crazy bitch has done something terrible to you.

Like :

Cut you into tiny pieces and put you in a freezer
Killed you and fed you to cats
Stuffed you in the trunk of your accord and is driving around

Killed you and fed you to cats
thats my vote.

can we change this thread into a poll?

STALKER - Your screwed.

I had one a few years AGO, VERY BAD!

She called me one night and asked me where I was. I was like “Downtown” she goes No your in bed, (Which I was). I can see your light on in your room.

Yah I was about to call the cops.

i didn’t mean to scare you. Nice to know my fake voice convinced you i was female though, i spent hours practicing my high voice.

Wow, OT is proving very entertaining this morning. Makes for a good distraction as I get my blood-caffein level up to a functional concentration…

She obviously is in love with .

and she’s not the only one.

PM me your route home from work.

hahaha corey the ladies cant stay away…but seriously man get gun or atleast a stunner cuz that shit is creepy.

On my way home from work I was thinking about a crazy 35 year old lady with a boy-ish haircut (kind of like the 90s mushroom but not very mushroomy), elastic waste shorts pulled up to the heavens, the seat all the way forward driving around in my car frantically not knowing WHERE she is going.

Oh and she was grasping the leather streeing wheel tightly.

I have a vivid imagination.

Then I thought about being in the trunk, and remembering WHY I never lock the pass through. I figure at the very least I can ask for a Coolata or something.

you might want to stop answering her questions and just ask why she wants to know so much about where you are and what you are doing…maybe she will get the hint that she is freaking you out :wink: good luck

Seriously, that’s creepy. I wouldn’t even confront her, I’d avoid her like the plague.

Maybe her husband is a real peach too. I can’t imagine SHE would do anything, but maybe her husband is just as crazy.

Weird. I think I’m going to eat my lunch out near the docks with the people that smoke, because at least then I gain some anonymity. And cancer. But at least I have hope with the cancer.

date her and pee in her butt. then she will never speak to you. … proven way out.

ew don’t say that ever again.

dude she wants your saaaack hardcore

where do you work? maybe you can have a “safe” lunch buddy to get the lady to back off?

mistake #1… giving out any kind of personal info that somebody can use to track you down. Be more careful next time and not so trusting.

lol be careful man, always check your back seat before driving away